Tuesday, 7 May 2013

What are the most common types of warts?

Common types of warts that YOU might have

In western countries, a fairly large number of men, women, and children have warts. Despite being harmless and common, most people wish they didn't have and start to research ways to get rid of them. Before doing this however, not many people actually take the time to learn about the types of warts and which ones they may have. While finding out this information may not change your decision, it is still a good idea to become familiar with some of the most common types of warts. Most likely, one of these is the type of wart you have, so now you can go about researching the best method for it's eventual demise.

As previously mentioned warts are common among individuals of all ages. Perhaps that is why a number of warts are referred to as common warts. Common warts are warts that typically appear on the hands, fingers and wrists. They are not often found singly; common warts tend to be in groups or clusters. Like many other types of warts, these warts are often hard or have a rough or scratchy surface.  One of the reasons why they are commonly found on the hands is because these warts tend to appear where there is broken skin. This broken skin is often common on the fingers of course, due the nature of how we use our hands, and especially when nail biting is a habit.

Plain warts or flat warts are another common type of wart.  They, like many other types, can be found on individuals of all ages,  including men, women, children, and the elderly.  Plain or flat warts tend to grow in large groups; however, unlike many other warts, they are not rough or hard to the touch. Instead, many appear soft and are flesh colored or white. It is not uncommon for shaving to be associated with flat or plain warts.

Plantar warts are another common type of wart. These too are found on people of all different ages. While warts can appear on just about any part of the body, plantar warts are more common on the soles of the feet. Their location is what causes some of these warts to be unpleasant and painful.  A plantar wart can appear as a single wart, but it is not uncommon to also find them in groups on the sole of the foot. What is unique about these warts is how they grow.  Most warts grow outwards; however, plantar warts, most likely because of their location, tend to grow inwards. The weight of the body is what causes this to happen.

This is a plantar wart, the black dots in the center are clotted blood vessels.

Photo credited to shderuiter

Although the above mentioned warts are the most common “traditional,” types of warts, there is another type that is spreading across the modern world. These warts are known as genital warts. In addition to being known as an annoying and unsightly skin condition, genital warts are also known as a sexually transmitted disease (STD).  This is because these warts are most commonly spread through intercourse, even protected intercourse.  In some cases, genital warts are more difficult to have removed, but, like most other warts, it is possible. Though I wouldn't advise any home removal methods with these, definitely see your GP.

Once you have determined which type of wart or warts you have, you can check out any available treatments, natural or otherwise. Almost all warts can be removed at home, apart from the above mentioned example, but you may want you seek professional advice just to find out your range of options.

I'll delve into some of the natural methods soon, stay tuned.

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